I wanted to write a superhero story, and so I did! here is part two of the story of Hero Kid and his Mentor Captain Hero! enjoy, and share this story with your friends. Great stories were always meant to be shared.
Captain Hero walked out of the
interrogation room. I remember when he first did an interrogation. He said it
was too boring to be of any interest to me. I was about 8 when that happened. I
accepted his word as undying law back then. When I was 13 I learned what
interrogation was and I thought it was pretty darn sweet. Now I’m here and I
have to ask myself if I can even look at the Captain the same way I used to.
In the interrogation chamber are
three shape shifting aliens. We saw their natural form when Captain K.O.’Ed
them in the street. They are definitely humanoid, blue hair-like follicles on
their heads. Big glowing blue eyes and sort of a magenta colored skin. One male,
two fe-males. The male is an adult. A big one at that. The other two I am
assuming are his wife and daughter.
One of my basic training
exercises when I was younger was to learn to let go of all fear. I remember I
had a big fear of cows once. I saw this cartoon once where the cow could talk
and he liked to scare the farmers and the local kids. I had nightmares of cows
coming into the town and scaring everyone. It seems silly now, but at the time
it was a big deal. To cure me of this fear, Captain sent me to help out on a
charity farm. My job was to tend to the cows. After a while I got over it. The same
thing happened with all of my fears. There is only one thing I cannot get over,
and I don’t think I ever can- and that’s the look on Captain Hero’s face when
he gets out of interrogation.
“I guess that was another Rough
one?” I asked captain. He just looked at me and furrowed his brow behind his
eye mask. He wasn’t happy, I could tell you that much. I could also tell you I
was going to get it later.
“Let’s just get to the car”
grumbled Captain.

I spent hours walking around the
base. Like I mentioned before, there is a lot of souvenirs from past missions
back there. It’s interesting how the hero business changed from the time
Captain has started to now. The weapons got more sophisticated with time, the
costumes, and even un-important things like newsstands and phone booths. The stuff
is interesting, but it’s the stuff from when I got in that makes me choke up. The
busted school bus tire from when captain first met me. That was a good day.
I was in the back of the school bus. I just got horrible news of my parents’ divorce and I wasn’t taking it well. My day really couldn’t get worse and that’s when a tire popped on the bus and we started over the bridge. Everyone was panicking except me. I was ready for things to be over. I couldn’t be sadder. That’s when the bus stopped falling. We got pulled back onto the street, the bus door ripped open and I saw him for the first time in person. Captain Hero! He was my idol. I loved the guy. All we kids got evacuated off the bus and I snuck into the trunk of Captains Car. He opened the trunk back at his base and that started our partnership- after all the legal stuff was settled. You see, my parents never wanted to have kids and I thought that maybe it was my fault that the divorce was happening. My parents were so upset at each other and at me that they practically gave me away. Captain and I kept the bus tire to remind me that a single moment can change a life. That’s how I saw it at least.
Captain came out of the room and
sat in his chair at the computer.
“So, did we learn anything from
the aliens?” I asked. Captain massaged his forehead.
“nah. I tried interviewing the
adult male but no matter what I tried I couldn’t get him to break.” He responded.
“Well, maybe I could get through
to them. If I just got some time...”
“NO” shouted captain. “I told you
time and time again. I don’t want you near the interrogation rooms.”
“You know what Captain, I need to
know when you’re going to finally treat me like an adult” I shouted back at
him. In retrospect I wish I was a little less loud about it, but I was sick of
the way I was being treated and I needed answers.
“I’ll treat you like an adult
when you stop making those stupid rookie mistakes that you always make” said captain
“Oh, like you’ve never made
mistakes. Even today! If I didn’t hit the car’s bumper then we would have been
street pizza!”
“Well, who was the one that made
the car spin in the first place? And who was it that had to capture the aliens?
You weren’t any part of that!”
“If I didn’t give you cover fire,
you would have been street pizza again!”
“Leave!” said Captain. “I can’t
take any more of this arguing. It’s time we both went to bed.”
“Fine. Don’t bother checking on
me.” I went to my quarters and slammed the door. Captain probably went back to
his room and started working on his precious project. I swear he cares more
about that project than he does of me. I started thinking about the bus tire
again, and how my parents treated me in the family court. The feeling of
rejection I felt from them. The closer I get to leaving, the more Captain Hero
is treating me like my parents did on that day. I have had enough of this. I
would show him! That night, I was to leave my quarters, and interrogate the
prisoners. I will find out what the aliens were doing, and there was nothing
Captain could do to stop me.
I knew every inch of this place.
I helped design most of the security that we use. The car was still parked
where we had left it. If I took the car and only turned it to “hover” then I
could push the car out the back where Captain won’t hear me leave. I finished
that task with the most consideration I could for noise, and I was off to the
prison. No one knew.
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