Sunday, January 29, 2017

Spiritual Sunday- Reality and Integrity

As a writer I find myself doing a lot of research that I put into two categories. The first category is “information on background” which is where I become an expert on a very obscure topic and “information on information” which is where I determine how realistic a situation is. The best fiction is written in a way that feels realistic and that is what I am trying to accomplish.

As I was doing some research for an upcoming comic project, I was caught away in the memory of a friend I had once. A new semester of school had just started and I was looking to see if I could pick up a date somewhere. I met a girl in my religion class that I talked to for a while and asked out. She said “sure” and we went on a date that weekend.

I remember part way through the date I got rather confused. She acted completely different on the date than she did in class or when I talked with her outside of class. I asked her about it and she said that she “puts on a mask” when she is at school so no one knows who she really is. The date lasted about another 20 minutes after that.

As a fan of Superheroes, I can understand why someone would put on a show to hide themselves. At the same time, as a fan of superheroes, I understand that if you are going to stand for something you should be that kind of person at all times.

Trying to hide the kind of person you are is a form of dishonesty.  I felt extremely led on in that situation and found that the kind of person I was talking to was not the kind of person I was hoping to get to know better. When you hide yourself, you lead the possibility to hurt others and to hurt yourself.

That isn’t to say that we are stuck the way we are. If there are aspects of yourself that you don’t like or wish were different, you have the ability to change those things about you. One should always strive to be themselves but to be the best version of themselves.

It’s my testimony that God made each one of us unique with a different set of experience and traits because God didn’t want just more people on earth, he wanted you. Celebrate the ways that you are different from one another.  Build yourself up in a way that you can become the best version of yourself, and never be afraid to hide who that person is.

Thank you, I hope that all of you have an amazing Sunday. I hope all of you have an amazing week full of joy and fulfillment. Keep on keeping on and remember to always be your best self.

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