It’s pretty obvious that my favorite superhero is Superman, which is why he hardly ever shows up in Saturday Showdown, but a little less known fact is that my second favorite superhero is Spider-man. Spider-man is the character that really got me seriously thinking about comics, my elementary school years were fed on a steady diet of Stan Lee’s run on Amazing as well as Brian Michael Bendis new series (at the time) Ultimate Spider-man. Through this admiration of the wall-crawler, I gained a bigger idea of the Marvel Universe and how characters like these change fiction.
Today the trailer for the new Spider-man Movie was released and I figure I might as well give it a review.
0:02- Spider-tracer maybe? Something I’ve noticed through Spider-man’s identity across the board ever since the first “Amazing” movie was made was that Spider-man has become increasingly tech-based. I don’t think I like that. Spider-man has always used Technology in the main continuity from the spider-tracer to the utility belt that no one ever talks about but this seems a bit overboard. You give Spider-man too many toys and bad stuff will happen, which I guess is brought up in this trailer.
0:11- yeah, I’m not crazy about the suits mechanics. I like that it looks like a comic book, more so than most of the past spider-suits but…
0:15- little things to appreciate. Spider-man’s voice is muffled by the mask which is quite canonical to the story. In the comics, it’s brought up several times by other characters that it’s kinda hard to imagine that Spider-man is Peter Parker just because his voice is muffled so much.
0:15- also, SONY!
0:20- I’m also not sold on Iron Man being a big part of this. Sure in the comics there’s a mutual respect, but Spider-man is more of a lone wolf than even Batman claims to be. Placing Iron Man in a role like this is just screaming “in case you didn’t know, Spider-man is in the MCU now! Just to be clear!”
0:24- he should be. I agree with Tony. Spidey has his own universe available that is already bigger than most of the marvel universe by itself. I get we are putting Spidey villains into the mix, but I say he doesn’t really need to have too many crossovers with the rest of the avengers. I’d say if anything the avengers join his causes. We might actually get an interesting villain for the rest of the marvel guys to fight.
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Why Ned? Why? |
0:30- again, no. sidekicks? No. no. no. no. no. Part of what makes Spider-man who he is the guilt that he feels over Uncle Ben. This guilt causes Parker to push everyone in his life away from him until he meets the girl (take your pick. There are lots) who gets him out of his shell. That’s the beauty of comic book relationships. The superhero has the extraordinary gifts but the girl in his life keeps him grounded in reality, quite often becoming a hero to rival the superhero. They become a real team. Spider-man isn’t a sidekick guy. He isn’t a team player at all until he meets Gwen Stacey and sometimes not even until he meets Mary Jane.
Ned Leeds is not a Gwen or Mary. Ned Leeds is a nobody. Why are we bringing him in?
0:36- That was a concept idea for Spider-man back in the day. That’s why AntMan can do it.
0:41- I’m already sick of Ned’s crap. STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS! It would be wrong to hope for the death of somebody, but I hope Ned doesn’t make it through the movie at this point.
0:41- I think it’s also worth noting that in the original run, Spider-man was in high school a total of 28 issues. Not even 3 years of comics. Most of the interesting and intriguing parts of Spider-man that make up the popular image we have of him come from his College years. Face it- as far as “Power and Responsibility” go, you don’t have any in High school. Put him in college where he has to fend for himself, balance school, balance relationships, still realistically fight crime full time and you have a much more rounded and interesting character. Keeping him in high school works I guess, but I need him to have some kind of heavy responsibility be it taking care of Aunt May or having his job at The Bugle or even a girlfriend.
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Well, now we know where gets all those wonderful toys. |
0:52- HOLY STEALING TECHNOLOGY BATMAN! This is, like, Iron Man 1 and 2 already. It looks like it’s even his tech. Maybe Robert Downy Jr. is actually going to leave the Marvel movies and they need to set up a new set of characters?
1:07- the fight looks good. The quips are good. I’ll give him that. The problem with the last several Spider-man films is that the balance between silly and smart spider-man was off with each actor. So far the balance looks pretty good on this spider-man.
1:20- because it wouldn’t be Sony unless Spider-man did this trick. Again.
1:30- yeah peter, find better heroes to look up to. They are playing WAY too much on peter’s relationship with stark from the past movie. Hopefully, Spider-man grows past that and becomes his own man by the end of the movie.
1:35- wait, wasn’t that the quote on the back of the Iron Man 3 DVD case?
1:46- alright, so a couple of things. Aunt May is fine. I’m not upset about her growing younger and younger with each reboot. I do think it’s unfortunate that we can’t make a grandmotherly figure work in a movie like this, but I can live I guess. The villain seems to have the same motivation as Sandman in Spider-man 3, but so far he has a better motivation than the last half dozen marvel villains. A hero is only as cool as his villain which is why I say it’s nice that we can let Spider-man villains start taking a role in the MCU. That’s where all the interesting bad guys are anyway.
1:51- the suit looks nice. It looks like Ben Reilley’s suit, but it’s realistic to what a high schooler in 2017 would throw together for a first costume anyway. Almost reminds me of what he tried doing in Ultimate Spider-man where he started out wearing sweats and a ski-mask.
1:56- we all know how this fight is going to go. They punch each other for a bit, Spider-man loses his mask, they fight some more and then Spider-man talks him into doing something that will eventually kill himself. How much say did Sony have in the story?
2:00- alright, so the girl at the Homecoming… dance… Ohhhh! She is Liz Allen from what I can tell from previous statements (and I think it was mentioned in the last trailer as well). She seems like she doesn’t do anything for the story. She’s just the cute girl in the class. Unfortunate. I’d rather have her playing sidekick than Ned Leeds. A strong female character could be the thing that makes all the difference in the movie.
2:02- automated Spider-tracer thing looks dumb. Keep Spider-man low-tech. he’s more interesting that way.
2:14- fight on top of a plane looks sick.
I might just be a disgruntled, long-time Spider-fan that has lost faith in movies but it isn’t just the movies. Ultimate Spider-man (the animated series) felt off just as the “Amazing” movies did and even the comic books have been off ever since Spider-man made that deal with the devil after Civil War. (yeah. it happened. you can understand why I'm disgruntled.)
I am relieved that we don’t have to have another origin and I don’t have to watch Uncle Ben die again. It also seems that the balance between Spider-man’s jokes and quips as well as his scientific know-how is all there. The action looks good and both costumes look great, even if the added accessories are completely unnecessary.
I would say I’m cautiously optimistic but I’m not even that. I’ve been burned twice by non- spectacular Spider-man franchises and what I’ve seen here doesn’t speak much to me. The trailer nearly gave away the entire film from start to finish and I don’t think I like what I see.
The character choices are strange. Ned Leeds is a dumb choice for side kick. Side kick is a dumb choice for Spider-man. I don’t feel any sympathy for Ned. Harry Osborn would have been a much better choice for replacement to Ned and Iron Man, but given the last two franchises I can see Marvel wanted to stay away from the Osborn’s, but we seem to be a little too clingy to Iron Man than we should be. Clingy in both character and plot line.
I might be wrong. Spider-man: Homecoming may surprise me. I won’t know until I see the film, but until then, I guess all that’s left to do is wait and maybe re-watch ‘Spectacular’ or something.
What did you think of the trailer? Are you excited for the movie? be sure to leave a comment. Thanks for liking and sharing and remember to always be your best self!
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