So, same deal as my review of Batman V Superman. I will go
over the things that worked, the things that didn’t work, the characters and
explain who I think the intended audience was. Sew let’s get to it!
Spoilers from this point forward.
Good points:
The action was well choreographed and set up. I was
entertained by it at least. Nothing says comic books like a bunch of Zombies
fighting a giant human crocodile.
Bad points:
The movie was all action. The buildup to the main mission
that the group goes on was pretty much all fighting and the finale ended with
things blowing up. I enjoy a good action movie myself, but when action is all
you have it gets boring. The best action movies space out the action parts with
slower moments. Granted there were a couple like in the bar and such, but those
moments were so far and few between and too short to really make a huge
difference in the overall feel of the movie.
Deadshot: definitely the most well rounded character in the
film. He had a real reason to continue fighting, his relationship with Flagg
was well fleshed out, definitely my favorite character.
Harley Quinn: the second main protagonist. I disagree with
some that say she stole the show. While DC knows that Harley makes money and so
they fronted her pretty heavily, yet I didn’t feel like she overshadowed Deadshot
or Flagg. Her involvement was appropriate for the events of the movie
In Conclusion:
For all it was, original was what this film wasn’t. I felt
like I was watching a dark and twisted version of Guardians of the Galaxy. Particularly
with the soundtrack choice calling me back to “Awesome Mix Vol. 1”. The beginning
didn’t feel like the end and there was what seemed like very low consistency in
the flow of the film. I do have to appreciate DC for doing their own thing but
maybe they are trying to be too dark?
Who should see this movie?
Do you shop for your wardrobe at Hot Topic? This is for you.
This movie is NOT appropriate for kids with scenes of torture and an almost
endless stream of swearing. I would recommend this ONLY if you are maybe older
than 16 and if you REALLY like DC. Those who would enjoy this movie would be
those who LOVE supernatural, love zombies, and like Arrow and it’s version of
the Suicide Squad.
Anyway that’s what I have on the film. Have you seen it? What
did you think? Let’s talk about it in the comments!
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article and follow me on Twitter @SupermanLegion
Have a great week everyone!
This is a fantastic review! I agree with you--I think the critics jumped the gun and shouldn't have rated it so low, I gave this movie a chance because I REALLY loved the previews and the cast was terrific and I absolutely love DC and Marvel--and I wasn't disappointed. OH--and the soundtrack was brilliant.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your assessment of characters. I do wish there was a little more balance, perhaps some more backstory development--but I understand, a lot of characters and a limited movie run time--I thought Captain Boomerang was hilarious and would have loved more screen time for him. Katana's backstory is awesome and I would have loved more from her--Poor Slipknot, I thought he had potential, and I love that actor, but nope.
Overall, it was great. I do love a good movie!
Thanks for your review!