Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturday Showdown: John Constantine V. Doctor Strange

Saturday Showdown
The world is full of threats. Some of those threats are earth based. Others come from the outside. Thankfully we occasionally get a hero who can bridge the gap between the two and make a bargain.

Image result for constantine johnJohn Constantine
Source of power: Supernatural
Alignment:  On the side of the Angels, especially when they aren’t trying to rip him off.
Bio: John occasionally dabbled in the dark arts, particularly in college when he met other magicians and joined up with them. John rose in the ranks with these people and planned a fieldtrip to go back home to the UK and investigate some strange happenings there. John and his crew did eventually solve the supernatural conundrum but in the process John used an experimental spell that accidentally condemned the soul of a young girl, thereby losing his salvation. Since then, John has worked alone with few friends and with the aid of Angels to fight off an oncoming darkness from the underworld and hopefully redeem his own soul.

Dr. Steven Strange.
Source of power: the multiverse
Image result for doctor strangeSpecial achievements: completed his MD and PHD at the same time so he could graduate college earlier. Can name nearly any song, the album it came from, the side of the LP it was on and the year it was released and charted.

Bio: Steven strange was an accomplished neurosurgeon well on his way to winning nearly every medical award that is in existence. On the way to a speaking assignment Stephen was caught in a huge crash that destroyed the nerves and the ligaments in his hands, making him unable to perform surgery again. Strange sought a cure and after western science failed him he went east to study with a group of magicians who pulled their powers from the multiverse. Steven strange then became the sorcerer supreme and now guards the sacred protective sanctum in New York City.

The fight

John had found an old Mayan set of metal plates containing the spells and secrets of a long lost generation. Of course, this got a bit messy. He had already cleaned up the goat’s blood on the floor and had just gotten out of the shower himself. He put a towel around himself and went to the bathroom mirror to brush his teeth.

Image result for john constantine with angelJohn pulled the mirrored cabinet open, pulled his toothbrush out, closed the mirror and in his reflection in the mirror his saw a tall, dark man in a business suit. The sight would have scared john had it not been a rather regular occurrence by this time.
“I swear, you guys could give Santa a run for his money. I swear you are watching me ALL THE TIME!”

“Well john, where do you think your jolly elf friend learned that trick?”

John did his best to conceal his smile but let out a smirk. “I’m sure you didn’t come here to drop of my Christmas presents early. What do you and your group of the ‘chosen souls’ want from me this time?

“The angel ignored the tone in John’s voice. He’s been around long enough to know not to worry about it. “There’s a coming darkness john. I’m here to draw up the battle plans”
John slammed his fist on the table.

“Seriously. You keep showing up and you never do anything! All I hear about is that there is a ‘coming darkness’ and you don’t tell me what it is, you don’t tell me when it’s coming, and you won’t tell me anything!”

“And I keep telling you that it is against…”
“Right, right, right, it’s against your code of ethics. Hang the code. Not like it’s helped anyone so far.”
The angel let out a sigh. “how long has it been since you looked at the map?

“it’s been about a month. No…. 2 months. Why? Is something happening?”

No response. The angel has disappeared leaving John alone to continue brushing his teeth. When that was done, John took a look at his map on the table. John slit his hand and dripped a few drops of blood onto the map and watched all of the blood dropplets slide across the picture of the world, eventually landing themselves in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong.

“Look at this. Isn’t this beautiful?” time had froze in Hong Kong after a lengthy battle Dr. Strange had with Kaecilius, the traitor to the natural law. Currently he was looking at Dormammu, the leader of the dark dimension.
Image result for doctor strange
“A world with no time and only space. Eternal life!” mused Kaecilius. Dr. Strange looked at the eye shaped amulet on his chest, then flew up into the portal into the dark dimension.
“Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain!

The giant entity that is Dormammu looked down at the foolish mortal who dared reason with him.
“No! You have come to die!”

At that moment, a giant energy blast launched itself from Dormommu’s eye completely incinerating Dr. Strange.
Seconds later, Strange flew back out from the mountains.
“Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain”.

Dr. Strange had set up a time loop. Since time doesn’t exist in the Dark Dimension this was new to Dormammu. A couple hundred times this pattern repeated itself where Strange would offer to bargain, Dormammu would kill him, and Strange would come back.

John walked through the streets of Hong Kong. Before he entered the city limits, John pulled open his bag and dispensed a dead Zombie Hand from the bag. He uttered a few magic words in Sanskrit
“Arkumahrn delah mek kushuiom”

Image result for john constantine devils asertateThe hand began to glow and John walked into the city. Everything was frozen in time, save himself. John pulled a baseball out of the bag he was carrying, threw it up in the air and the ball started flying towards the center of the time anomaly. John followed the ball to a couple of magicians staring at a dimensional portal.

“I can’t let those wankers see me. I’m not in the mood for an all-out battle today.” Thought John to himself. “I’ll enter the portal from the other side. John then draws a couple runes on the ground, spouts some more magic words and teleports on the other side of the portal. He walks in.
“Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain!”

John watched as Stephen Strange was incinerated by the blast of Dormammu. It’s obvious who the bad guy is. Just before John entered the area they were at he witnessed a strange sight, even considering what he has seen. The magician re-appeared from over the mountain.
“Well, what have we got here?”Image result for doctor strange meets dormammu

The stage is set! The heroes are introduced! Who wins! Comment with your opinion and let’s see how it all turns out next week in part two of “Saturday Showdown: John Constantine V. Doctor Stephen Strange”!

Be sure to like my Facebook Page and follow me on Twitter @SupermanLegion to make sure you don’t miss the exciting conclusion to the battle!

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