Thursday, May 5, 2016

Theory Thursday- Rey's Family

Rey. The latest in a long line of heroes that save the galaxy from complete destruction. Sort of. She hasn’t really done any galaxy saving yet. At least not on a wide scale. She finds bb-8 but outside of that I don’t know if there really is anything more. She didn’t find plans for star killer base, she didn’t fly the x-wing that blew up the base, she fought Kilo Ren for a couple minutes, and she let Han Solo die. So, I don’t know… but this is theory Thursday and today let’s talk about parents.

Parentage is a big deal in the Star Wars universe, ever since it was revealed that Darth Vader was indeed Luke’s Father but is that really as important to the story as we think? In the entire star wars saga as it stands before episode 7, there are only 2 family revelations. We learn that Vader is Luke’s dad and that Luke and Leia are siblings. Two instances in 6 movies. That’s really not a lot and the reason why everyone focuses on that part of the movie so much is that it was incredibly shocking.
Now we get to Star Wars episode 4.2: A new hope awakens. When we meet Rey, she is kind of held up on who her family is. She desires to stay on the Tatooine knock-off specifically because her parents are supposed to pick her up off the planet sometime. This fact alone has spurred lots of controversy over who her actual parents are, but may I suggest a theory as to who they are…

he is her trainer. nothing more.
It seems as though Rey is in connection to Luke Skywalker since she has the force and can wield Luke’s Lightsaber, but at this point Luke hasn’t even wielded that lightsaber as much in his life as his green one. If the lightsaber is such a big deal, don’t you think Luke would have been led to it at some point in all these years, especially since no one knew where he was at and he could effectively travel the entire galaxy without detection? Besides, in Episode 6, Darth Vader mentions that Luke’s’ skills are now complete seeing as how he was able to build his own lightsaber. The blue one is not Luke’s anymore. It’s just a lightsaber, if anything, the green one holds all of the significance in the Skywalker line since it represents the re-birth of the Skywalker legacy. The blue lightsaber is really just an empty clue. There is nothing else to tie Rey to Luke

there is definitely a respect that is
going on between these two, but not like
a father who misses his daughter.
What about Solo then? Here’s the deal with that one. With the kind of loving relationship that Han and Leia had, I don’t think Leia would be able to hide the fact that they had a daughter. Even more- Rey is several years younger than Kilo-Ren, yet not as much to be able to hide that. Say Kylo-Ren turned on the Jedi when he was 16. That makes sense when we see the vision of Kilo that Rey had. Rey is not too young to have not been born at that time and actually be a few years old. Han left when Kilo went bad. So if Rey was his daughter, Han would have spent quite a few years with her in the family, yet did not recognize her when they met.

The unknown force-sensitive Character has the super important
droid. Leia had it, Poe has it. coincidence? quite possibly. but still!
What else is there? Dameron maybe? Poe Dameron is probably my favorite character from the new movie yet he is also one of the more under-developed characters. Just in the movie itself we don’t learn a whole lot about him. We do know from the comic book “shattered Empire” that his parents were good friends with Skywalker and Luke gave his parents a tree that was infused with force powers for their honeymoon. Assuming that one could get force powers by being in close proximity to a force-infused item this would explain how Poe is able to fly anything he comes in contact with.
The tree in question
Poe and Rey are much closer in age than Kilo-Ren, and it is feasible to believe that Luke set up the academy several years after Poe was born, but in prime time for Rey to be growing into her powers. Kilo turns and Rey is dropped off on a desert planet because it’s harder to find a force sensitive person where there is very little life (the force flowing through all living things so to speak). Poe became a pilot, Rey was to be a Jedi and went into hiding.

Note also that Poe and Rey are the only characters that have not met each other yet.

My theory: Rey is a Dameron. Her brother is Poe and they have common parents.
Either that or Rey isn’t related to anyone.
What do you think? Am I right? Am I wrong? Leave a comment. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook at Taylor Writes so you never miss another article and be sure to share this one with someone who thinks way too hard about star wars.

Have a great rest of your week.

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