Saturday, July 9, 2016

Saturday Showdown- Dory V. Magikarp

Saturday Showdown
Chances are you are familiar with Pokémon Go by now, and chances are you are also very familiar with the screen that informs you that the servers are down. Regardless, the game became the number 1 downloaded app of all time in less than 5 hours of being released in Australia, New Zealand, and The United States (best country in the world!). The other big event that has been taking the world by storm and breaking its own records is Finding Dory, crushing Zootopia at the box office and continuing to rise. In commemoration of these two amazing franchises taking over the world, I think it’s time for Saturday showdown:
Dory V. Magikarp

Species: fish- blue tang
Base of operations- well, the poor fish has been all over the ocean. I guess currently we will say she lives next door to Marlin in the reef.
Special skills- she can read human. Can you read fish? I didn’t think so.

Species: fish. I’m assume that it’s a carp
Base of Operations: according to Pokémon go, Magikarp can be pretty much anywhere, this includes glasses of water, rivers, lakes and your kitchen frying pan.
Special Skills- not much…

The Battle:
                The Ocean is a large place. Few understand how large it really is. For centuries, humans have been trying to find a way to traverse the whole thing, only to be left with more questions than answers. There are, however, a couple of fish that have traveled a large expanse of the ocean- Dory and Marlin. These two heroes have seen it all and yet our story isn’t going to begin with a wild undersea adventure, it simply starts with dropping Marlins son, Nemo, at school.
                “Dad, you can stop hugging me now. I gotta go..”
                “OH! Sorry” reacted Marlin. Nemo smiled and turned around towards Mr. Ray, the School Teacher.

                “Now go have an adventure!” shouts Marlin towards his growing Son
                “Bye Fabio!” shouts Dory from behind Marlin. Dory has gotten Nemo’s name wrong plenty of times, but Marlin always patiently corrects him
                “Dory, its nemo”

                “BYE NEMO!” shouted Dory, unshaken by the correction. Marlin and Dory then turn to go back to their respective homes in their neighborhood reef. As they swim towards the trench, a floating speck catches Dory’s Gaze.

“oooooh. I want to touch it!” Dory’s fin moves towards the floating speck, knocking it to her left side. Dory continues to chase the speck until UMPH!
Dory opens her eyes and rubs her head. As she does so she sees in front of her a new fish she has never seen before.

“Well Hi there!” greeted Dory. The fish in front of her just stared blankly into nothing.
“Are you alright?” asked Dory. More silence from the Magikarp fish.
“Well, I assume you would be all right, you haven’t said otherwise…” chuckled Dory. Magikarp said nothing in return.

“So, do you live around here? I haven’t seen you before… -Gasp- are you lost? If you are, I mean, don’t worry. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty good and finding things. Like my friends kid Hosea.”
Magikarp said nothing.

“Well, ok. If you aren’t lost I’ll just leave you alone” said Dory as she turned around and swam away, that’s when the same speck appeared.
“Heyyy, I’ve seen you before!” again, Dory goes to touch it and gets turned around, facing Magicarp once again.

“Well hi there!” greeted Dory. “What’s your name?”
Magikarp said nothing. Dory’s name was shouted from behind her. Marlin was swimming up to her fanatically.
“Dory! I was scared you got lost! I didn’t see you make it home and….. Who’s this?”
“This is my new friend!” shouted Dory cheerfully!
“Hmmm. I’ve seen this guy before…” pondered Marlin.
“He is kind of the strong silent type.” Explained Dory.
“I see….. Dory, I think It’s time to go back home…” said Marlin as he grabbed Dory’s fin to walk her home.
“NO. I will not leave until I make sure this fish feels welcome.” Dory then planted herself firmly. In front of the Magikarp. Magikarp did nothing.
Marlin knew how this would end. Dory would stare at the fish for hours, maybe even days. Thing is though, Marlin also had a lot of experience. He knew what to do in this situation.
“Dory Look! Something shiny!”
“Where?!?!?!” shouted Dory excitedly
“ooh, it just turned invisible… WAIT, I can see it! Follow me!”
And with that, Dory and Marlin left to go home.
Winner: Magikarp!

Agree? Disagree? Let’s fight about it in the comments! Let me know who you think should fight next. Share this with someone who is just discovering Pokémon for the first time and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @SupermanLegion and like our Facebook page.

Let’s also take a moment to remember the people and police officer of Dallas at this time. Let’s keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they go through this difficult time.

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