Sunday, December 4, 2016

Fasting: What Are You Doing Right Now?

Fast Sunday
Every month, my church leaders encourage me to fast on the first Sunday of the month, recommended to go 2 meals without food and water and donate the money dedicated to those two meals to a fast offering given to the poor and needy. Right off the bat though I see a problem with this system. Why go without the meals when I could just donate the money and continue to chow down on dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and fish custard?

Anciently, fasting was not just used as a way to find extra money to donate to the poor but also as a way to draw closer to the lord and requesting his blessing (see guide to the scriptures). Yet, there are many reasons for one to fast. You may fast to start a ministry, or to get a question answered. Maybe to ask blessings for a loved one. The Nephites have recorded that they fasted to rejoice and thank the lord for the blessings they have been given already.

I like to think that fasting brings us closer to God by helping us recognize our dependence on him. Now this brings up an interesting situation in many peoples case to where either food is scarce or they miss two meals anyway (not recommended. Please eat.) So what is the point in fasting from food then?

If the purpose is to demonstrate to God your dependence on him, consider what you do that replaces food in your fast. Do you watch TV? Do you play video games? Are your activities centered on yourself?

For those who are fasting, may I recommend this thought- whatever you are doing to replace food during your fast, take that time to do something extra to come closer to God? Try reading the scriptures or taking a stroll by the temple. Maybe there is someone who you can serve.

Fast Sunday is a special occasion that only happens once a month. Let’s try to make it special.

To help everyone out, lets list some ideas that can set your fast apart and bring you closer to Your Father in heaven. Leave your ideas in the comments below and be sure to share this article with a friend or loved one and maybe we can all benefit.

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