Welcome to my re-write of the 2016 movie "Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice". the following is a scriptment, meaning that my goal is just to give a basic outline of how things could go
A lone police officer sits in his car while he waits for his partner. His partner enters in. as she enters, she is buttoning up her shirt and hops into the passenger seat.
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The Police Department in Gotham always seem to be corrupt. This scene is supposed to cement that in the new DCEU. |
Officer: I imagine you got the Intel you were hoping for?
Partner: he definitely did. Ya know, you could get some of this Intel as well.
Officer: sorry, I’m a married man.
Partner: never stopped me before.
The scanner turns on. A couple of jewelry thieves have bombed a store and they are on the run. The cops chase the bad guys. The car stops and the officers hop out. Guns fire and the bad guys dodge them from behind the ally. On the roof of the nearby building, the bad guys run, feeling confident in their escape. A loud flap of darkness drops in front of the two perps. His white eyes peering in the
blackness. The crooks put up a fight but the Batman is too much for them.
The police finally get to the area and see the villains are tied up. “Look” says the partner Batman was crouched up on the rooftop of a nearby building. A crash of lightning momentarily reveals his figure
and then he disappears. “Come look at this!” shouted the officer. The Batman has branded them.
The Batcave.
Alfred brings down a platter of breakfast and protein bars. Bruce is hard at work trying to trace a bullet serial number. Alfred drops a newspaper in front of Bruce “Has the Bat gone too far?” reads the headline. They have a conversation that very closely fits what happened in the movie as is.
Meanwhile in metropolis

attention to the TV.
Reporter: our foreign correspondent shares with us the scene.
FC: thanks Anderson, so as you can see, the scene behind me is gruesome. Forensics from the Lexcorp research facility in Jerusalem have found that these charred ashes were at one point human bodies. Reports say that Superman was in the area and locals heard a massive explosion…
Lois looks at Clark for confirmation that the story was false. Clark is shocked and appalled at the scene. He obviously didn’t do this. Looks like Lois and Clark have a mystery to Solve, and Clark’s plans for proposal have been amazingly postponed.
Batman has determined that the bullet he was looking at was imported in a weapons carrier under the name “White Portuguese”. He has found that the boat is carrying a shipment for Lex Luthor. He and Alfred have a similar conversation about the boat and how they are going to get into Lex Luthor’s computers. Turns out that they were invited to a gala to support the library/ museum of Metropolis.
Clark and Lois are in a meeting with Perry white along with some other journalists. They are discussing upcoming stories and attention is brought to the Superman Scandal. Clark is uncomfortable but thankfully both Lois and Jimmy attest that it can’t be Superman’s fault. Perry assigns them to go prove it and they leave. Clark is assigned to cover the gala and to cover the football game between Gotham and Metropolis. Clark brings up the danger that is Batman and presents a file of prior research that he has done. All the makings of a great story, but Perry won’t hear it.
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Lex Luthor in this version is supposed to be closer to the guy we got in Smallville. |
The Gala.
Mercy introduces the crowd to Les Luthor to roaring applause. Bruce is there as a guest and Clark is there covering the story. Bruce sets up the device to download Lex’s hard drive and we cut to a press conference.
Lex: and now I would like to open this time for questions. (See’s Clark). You please, ask away.
Clark: what are your motives for funding the rebuilding of the library?
Lex: well, as I have said before, I hold knowledge as one of the greatest assets the human world can have. I want to push that forward.
Clark: so, your name on the building and the generous tax cut you are getting are just perks?
Lex looks sternly at Clark.
Lex: which paper did you say you were from?
Clark: the Daily Planet.
Lex: where is Lois? She’s usually the one who covers what I’m doing.
Clark: she’s on assignment elsewhere.
Lex: pity. At least it’s good to know that The Daily Planet is consistent in their views, opinions, and stories they cover. Next question.
Clark goes to write some notes on what is happening but hears a radio signal from Bruce talking about the information box downstairs. Clark does a quick x-ray scan of Bruce and can see a lot of scarring and damage that shouldn’t be there. Only one way to confirm his suspicions.
Clark: “Mister Wayne!” Clark Kent. Daily Planet
Bruce: yes, I hear your interesting exchange with Lex. I have already submitted a statement about the library and how grateful I am to see the place up and running once again.
Clark: this isn’t about the Library. I want to know your opinion on the Bat vigilante in Gotham.
Bruce: interesting question, seeing as how the Daily Planet has not done anything yet about the confirmed acts of terror that your flying alien committed in the Middle East.
Clark: we can’t be sure of anything yet,
Bruce: or are you afraid to admit that maybe Superman just isn’t good for the planet?
Lex interrupts.
Lex: Bruce, nice to see you again. You haven’t returned my calls. I’m still extremely interested in your applied sciences division.
Bruce: I have been getting your calls, I guess your people haven’t passed on the messages.
Lex: ah. I see… I’ll have to check on that. And I see you’ve met Clark Kent. Are you sure you want to pick a fight with him? He’s just a guy trying to do his job. Right Clark?
Bruce nods his head and leaves. Lex leans into Clark and whispers into his ear that he better leave too or Lex’s people are going to escort him out. Mercy shows up behind Lex and lets him know that the senator has arrived. As Clark is leaving he sees a news report of some problem happening in a coastal city of Africa.

Lex talks with the senator. As per recent events with Superman it has become apparent to him that maybe the government needs a silver bullet to kill the Kryptonian if needed. The senator says that might be a good idea but she wants to have a hearing first with Superman before they move forward with any drastic measures such as that.
Superman is at the African country cleaning waste and trying to get people out of the way of flooding or whatever. As he does so, the dictator of that country sets up his militia and orders Superman to leave. If he does not, the dictator will order nuclear attacks on a random point in the planet. Superman does a quick scan and sees that the man is not lying. Clark flies away.
Lois and Jimmy are in a back room computer lab and they have been researching everything they could about the incident in the Middle East to find proof of Superman’s innocence. As they do so, a news flash comes on the screen with the terrorist that threatened Lois directly. He has been brought into the U.S. by troops who found him at their base in Canada (same base from Man of Steel). Lois gets the idea that if Superman was in Canada at the time then there is no way that he could be in the Middle East during the time of attack judging by the rate of de-composition on the bodies there. Lois and Jimmy have their smoking gun.
Part 3 coming soon.
What do you guys think so far? With a movie like BVS it’s interesting to try and untangle all of the different threads and put them back together in a less complicated and more linear way. Be sure to let me know what you think. Thank you for liking and sharing, remember to always be your best self.
Until next time!
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