Path to Dawn of Justice:This is my Scriptment for how I would re-do Man of Steel had I been in charge. while I love the movie as is, like a lot of fans I do have a handful of problems with the film. these problems are being fixed in my scriptment along with pictures and explainations on why I changed what I changed.
enjoy and let me know what you think!
Lois starts her voice over reading of her article that she
wrote about the mysterious alien man that saved her life. Perry White says that
he won’t print it but lois (being the person she is) starts talking about the
next big story of the century when she can prove her story. We see her leave
the building and gaze at the Daily Planet globe on top of the building.
Jor-El talks to Clark about the events of the previous night
when Clark saved Lois from the security drone. Jor-El gives a warning
Jor-El: you have used your powers much?
Clark: yes, but only when needed. I try to be discreet.
Jor-El: that is good. If you are to have an semblance of a
normal life you will need to be discreet, yet you cannot. Your mother and I
sent you to earth with the purpose that you would Lead them to a better life. You
would teach them Hope. That’s what this symbol means (Jor-El points the the S
shield on his chest). The symbol of Krypton is a symbol of Hope. You embody
that hope Kal.
The costume is revealed.
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I loved this flight scene. beautiful. |
Jor-El voice over as Clark- Now Superman- Steps out into the
artic waste. Superman gazes over the landscape, kneels down and flies
Jor-EL: they can be a great people Kal. They only need a
light to show the way. They will fall and stumble behind you but in time, they
will join you in the sun.
Flight scene as in the movie.
Lois is at a Starbucks talking with a blogger. she is giving the original file of the story she was working on to him so that Lois' "Mystery Man" will know she is looking for him, and knows the truth about him. We then see Lois search through the path that Clark has forged. Starting
at the military base, the bar, the old couples house (the husband is now mowing
the grass since he has “plenty of time”), the fishing boat leading back to Pete
Pete Ross runs a small Sporting goods shop in smallville. He
tries to pull a move on Lois but Lois is straight up professional. She won’t
take any of his lures. Once she asks Pete about the experience with the bus
Pete changes his attitude to a very serious.
Pete: sorry, I don’t talk about that much.
Lois: I understand that it was probably traumatic for you-
but I need to know what was the name of the kid that saved you from the river
Pete: sorry. I can’t help you with that.
Lois: oh really (she starts faking a romatic gesture to
Pete). So could you tell me about you…
We cut and lois is now sitting on Petes lap with her arms
around him. Pete is very distracted.
Lois: wow, you must have been the star of the team all
through high school!
Pete: Yeah, Penn State said they would have accepted me as
star quarterback my first year but they were afraid I would outshine the rest
of the team
Lois: ooh, I bet that would make it hard to make friends…
Pete: oh yeah. But I already have two great friends here.
Lana Lang was one. She is in Paris
Lois: anything between you two?
Pete: oh no, don’t worry about that gorgeous. The other guy
is Clark Kent. Ya know he saved my life once. A bus we were in fell into the
river and….. oops.
Lois (stands, straightens her outfit and hair): thank you
mr. Ross, that’s all I needed. You have a good day and keep dreaming about penn
state. Ok?
Knock on Martha Kents door. It’s lois and she asks if she
can ask a few questions about Clark.

Clark: no. I don’t want my story told.
Lois: but you put everything that modern science and
philosophers have been trying to understand into place.
Clark tells his story
Flash back
Johnathan, Martha, and Clark are all in the truck. Clark and
Johnathan are arguing. Clark doesn’t want to hide anymore but Johnathan is
insistant that he can not show his powers to anyone.
Clark: Come on Dad. I’m sick of hiding. Look at all the
stuff I can do, I can be of real use.
Johnathan: and helping me on the farm. Feeding people. That’s
not real use?
Clark: that’s not what I’m saying.
Johnathan: we’ve been over this Clark, if people found out
what you could do it would change the way
Clark: we view the world I know. I don’t even know why I’m
listening to you. You just keep saying the same things and you’re not even my
real dad!
Tornado up ahead on the road. People run and Johnathan is
trapped under a car. Clark starts to get to him and Johnathan puts up his hand
to say no. after the ordeal, Clark Goes to a priest.
Clark: Pastor?
Pastor: ah Clark. Nice to see you. What can I do for you.
Clark: I just have a question.
Pastor: what is it.
Clark: what if there was a disaster, and you had the ability
to stop it, but you didn’t because you were told not to?
Pastor: what happened to your father those several weeks ago
wasn’t your fault Clark.
Clark: but I’m not sure if I believe that.
Pastor: well… this person. The one that said not to
interfere. Did you trust them?
Clark: yes
Pastor: Clark, sometimes putting faith in something is just
that: faith. In the good book it says that Faith is substance of Hope and
evidence of things not seen. If we put our trust in someone, we have faith and
a hope that they know what they are doing. We may not understand completely,
but we have hope that things will work out. do you still trust this person?
Clark: I think so.
Pastor: then focus on that.
Clark walks out the door of the church.
Clark (to Lois): I let my father die, because I trusted him.
he was convinced that the world would not be ready for me. So I ask you. Do you
think the world is ready?
Cut back to the daily planet. Lois is walking into the
building. Everyone stares at her like she is going to the gallows. Lois walks
into Perry Whites office. He looks sternly at her. The publishers are upset
that she gave some of her writing to someone else and now the paper is losing
money over it. Lois mentions that she is dropping the story because her sources
didn’t pan out. White doesn’t believe her but admits she is doing the right
thing for keeping an alien out of view.
Back at Martha Kent’s home, Clark has returned and explains
how he found his birth family to his mom. Martha is very happy for him and
starts reminiscing about how Clark was a baby and how he struggled to breathe
and now he is a superman.
Meanwhile at a military base in the Utah desert, Professor
Hamilton (bio physicist) and general Iling (remember him?) are discussing a satellite
around the moon that just changed direction. The toner runs out in the Daily Planet (I loved that part) all the lights flicker and we have the super creepy
video that General Zod just posted. It is broadcast all over the planet,
including the Kent home. Zod demands that Kal-El of Krypton turn himself in.
everything goes back to normal. We see a series of news reports on screens in
the daily planet and at lois’ house on TV. The blogger that lois gave the
original story to is now famous for calling out an alien before it even
happened and the blogger mentions that Lois knows who the guy is. seconds later
the FBI are at Lois’ door.
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