Part 3 and conclusion to "Man of Steel" Taylor Campbell Cut. This part has a lot less changes to it except for the ending,which is drastically different. again this is not to be a full script but more of a scriptment and a guide to how the movie should go generally. enjoy!
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in Part 2, we met the priest previously so this part is no longer so random or strange that Clark would go see him for a problem like this. |
Superman shows up at a military base and Is greeted by a battalion
of Military agents. Superman offers his surrender in return for Lois’ freedom. The
military agrees and superman allows himself to be handcuffed and taken to the interrogation
room. Lois Lane interviews him in the interrogation room. The military hand
over Superman to faora- obviously one of Zods trusted soldiers. She says that
General Zod wishes for Superman and Lois to enter the ship. On the ship,
Superman hands lois the command key. Faora gives Lois a breathing apparatus and
she and Superman are led to Zod. Superman Passes out from the Kryptonian Air
and we see Lois and Superman being led to a medical bay.
Zod: if Kal-el won’t break, She will make him. he
surrendered because he wanted to secure her freedom. He will surely tell us
where the codex is if she is in danger.
Faora: Permission to speak freely sir?
Zod: granted
Faora: I do not think this is a good idea. Holding someone
not of our species only serves to weaken our own defenses.
Zod: we have both observes these humans. They are nothing to
us. You may be dismissed.
Faora : yes, Sir.
Back on what looks like the Kent farm. Clark looks around
and sees Zod.
Zod: hello Kal-El. Or do you prefer Clark? You have a nice
home here. You should have seen the farms on Krypton.
Clark is visually distressed that Zod found his home
Zod: do not worry about your secret becoming public
knowledge. It really doesn’t matter.
Clark: what do you want from me?
Zod: I want something your parents have sent you to this
planet with. I want the Codex of Kryptonian genetics. I ask that you bring this
to me.
Clark: codex of Genetics? Why would I have that.
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why the white costume? white symbolizes purity and I wan't Zod's offer to be as seemingly noble as possible. after Superman learns what Zod plans to do with the earth, Clark will break the vision and that's why his suit turns black. |
Clark: and Earth? Will you leave it alone if I come with you?
Zod: Krypton needs a foundation. (world engine drops on the
farm in a distant field) Earth will be that foundation. (the world engine turns
on and we see several pulses from it. Superman puts his arms over his face to
brace himself against he repeated impacts. Zod continues to stand calm. The costumes
that both Zod and Superman are wearing begin to turn black as Superman looks
around the planet and see’s it becoming a wasteland Superman Shouts NO! as the
pulses grow more intense and then he snaps out of the dream.
Superman is strapped to the hospital table and Zod demands
to know where the Codex is. Superman won’t talk and Zod leaves the room. Zod
calls up a Kal-ex robot.
Zod: Kal-ex, tell faora to meet me in the main hangar. We are
going to get the Codex.
Kal-ex: yes General Zod
Lois looks around the room that she is in and finds a key
hold the same size as the Command Key that she is hold. She puts the key into
the hole. A vacuum like force sucks the key in and nothing seems to happen
until Lois turns around and see’s the hologram of Jor-El.
Jor-El: hello Ms. Lane. (Lois jumps) don’t be afraid. I am
Kal’s father. You have loaded me into the ships interface. I can help you
Lois: can you get rid of the ship?
Jor-El: no. but I can teach you how to do it and in turn you
can teach kal. The apmosphere is now Earth based. You may take your breather
Superman rips open doors when he is mad. |
Jor-El leads lois out of the ship and faora attacks her. Lois’
escape pod is damaged and Superman jumps out of the ship to save her. He does and when they land Lois’ gives Superman A hug. Clark
realizes that the Kryptonians are headed to the Kent farm.
Faora, Non, and Zod show up at the Kent farm in one of their
ships. Martha walks out and meets them.
Zod: where is the vessel that brought Kal here?
Martha: … (strong resolve silence).
Zod: Tell me now.
Non, the biggest of the group imposes on Martha. Martha then
slaps the Kryptonian in the face. Non hits her off to the side. Non begins to
move towards her but Zod stops him.
Zod: (to Martha) now, tell me where the ship is.
Martha looks over to the field. Faora jumps into the field
and smashes her fists into the ground, creating a short wave earthquake and
unearths the door. She finds the ship inside, picks it up. Drops infront of
Zod. Zod looks through the ship and can’t find the Codex. Zod then advances
towards Martha, ready to kill her. That’s when Superman zooms past and grabs
Zod. He punches Zod several times
Superman: you freak, you hurt my mother!
Superman then throws Zod into non and then Faora into the
sky towards smallville. Non jumps to save her and Zod jumps in the ship and
flies away. Superman realizes what has happened and picks up Martha.
Superman: are you hurt?
Martha: not bad. Go hurt them.
Superman flies towards smallville.
Faora and Non skidd across main street smallville. Superman
shows up and tells the people to get indoors because it’s not safe.
Pete: (whisper) Clark?... show em who’s boss dude.
Superman looks in Pete's Direction and nods slightly.
Zod learns from his medical examiner/ interrogator that
Superman has the Codex infused with his blood stream. Zod asks if they could
recover the codex from a corpse and the medical examiner answers in the
affirmative. Zod launches the world engine ship in metropolis. Destruction happens
all over the place.
Superman, Lois, Iling, and Hamilton have explained the plan
to each other to send Kal’s ship into the world engine, and once the core of the
ship becomes unstable it will suck all of the Kryptonians junk into the
atmosphere. The planes and bombers move into position. Faora lands in the ship
that Iling is in. Hamilton launches the ship, creates a phantom zone vortex.
Iling punches Faora in the face and she goes flying into the phantom Zone.
Superman has been providing cover for all of this by running through Kryptonian
ships. Superman then flies into the plane with Iling and Hamilton and saves
them, bringing them down to earth. Superman see’s Lois about to fly into the
phantom zone projection, grabs her and struggles against the pull of the black
Flash back.
Clark, Pete, and Lana are eating lunch at a mill where
Johnathan Kent is getting some parts made. Some members of the football team
show up and give the trio a bit of grief.
Clark: look, we aren’t bothering anyone, just leave us alone
Football bully: nah, we can’t do that (pushes clark on the
ground) this is too much fun!
Lana grabs the bully’s arm and tries to pull him away.
Football bully: I don’t know why a beautiful girl like you
is hanging out with this dweeb, when she could be on the arm of the most
popular guy in town, here: why not give me a kiss? ( the bully leans in to kiss
lana as lana leans away as far as possible. One of the bullu’s friends nudges him
and points out that adults are watching. Pete is talking to the adults and
pointing to the group. The bully’s leave. Lana kneels down and asks if Clark is
alright. pete offers clark a hand up. Johnathan shows up and Pete and Lana take
that as their cue to leave.
Clark: (to Johnathan) you know I can’t be hurt.
Johnathan: that’s not what I meant. Are you alright.
Clark: the way he was treating Lana… I wanted to punch the
Johnathan: I kind of wanted you to as well, but then what?
Clark, (Johnathan puts his hand behind Clark and they walk and talk now) when I
was in the military there was this big bully. I couldn’t stand him. then one
day he started harassing one of the local girls and I couldn’t take it. I
slugged him hard, but I knew why. Clark, there is going to become a time (Voice
over with Superman and Lois in flight) when you will see the people you love in
danger. There will be a time you see red. And when that time comes you won’t
have to hold back. What defines a man is what he will stand for when standing
is the Hardest thing to do. (Superman shoots heat vision into the phantom
projector) your not just a man Clark, You’re a Superman.
The phantom projection blows up and closes spontaneously.
Clark lands lois down gently. They share a kiss. Superman See’s Zod kneeling
down behind them.
Zod: I was born to save Krypton. My life was Krypton.
Krypton is now gone. I have no life.
Zod: I’ll help you. TO YOUR GRAVE
Zod throws Superman into the concrete and then through a
Zod: you have no idea what was taken from me! The People I
loved, the people I served! They are all gone! And it’s your fathers fault! It’s
your fault!
A huge fight breaks out between the two (not quite as long
as the movie. The movie is long enough as it is.) then the train station. Zod
is about to kill innocent people. Superman then remembers what Zod’s vision was
about. The distruction. The death
Superman: stop it Zod!
Zod: Never. Not as long as I live.
Tears well up in Supermans Eyes. He stares up. Mouths “forgive
me” and then snaps Zod’s neck before he can kill a family.
Superman falls to his knees in anguish. Lois, Hamilton and
Iling show up to the scene. Lois drops down to hold Superman.
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the thing that makes Superman so great is the attention he gives tothe individual. this scene will show that along with Superman's amazing ability to inspire others to greatness. |
Lois: ever since our primal ancestors crawled out of the
ocean, we have looked to the sky for hope. For help. For home. The past days since the invasion has not changed our view of that. When we looked to the sky,
we found him. The stranger from another planet with the desire to help. As he
led and as we followed, we finally looked down and saw that we were flying with
him. This man of steel has been the answer to so many questions, yet has opened
our minds to more of them. what will we face in the future? Does it matter? Just
look! Up in the sky! It’s Superman.
Lois hands the article to White.
White: it’s good Lois, not front page news, but it’s a great
editorial. I’ll place it there.
Lois: well, we also have a full minute by minute account of
the fight and subsequent rescue.
White: we do?
Clark walks into the room
Clark: Mr. White? Hi my name Is Clark Kent. Lois has told me a lot about you.
Clark walks into the room
Clark: Mr. White? Hi my name Is Clark Kent. Lois has told me a lot about you.
White: Lois, who’s this?
Clark: (to Perry) here you go sir.
White: (reads part of the paper) GREAT CEASARS GHOST! YOU
GOT IT! WE GOT IT! WAHOOOOOOO welcome to the planet Kant!
Clark: Kent.
White: whatever! Lois! I’m putting him on city beat with
you. Teach him the ropes will ya.
Lois: sure thing Mr. white
White and take the new intern with you. He’s been bugging me
about getting a job and if he hangs out in the office any more I might just lose
Lois: sure thing.
Clark and Lois walk out of Perry’s office. Jimmy Olsen runs
up to Clark and introduces himself
Jimmy: hi, you must be the new guy. My name’s Jimmy Olson it’s
nice to meet you! Welcome to the planet
Clark: thanks Jimmy, I like it here a lot so far.
Newsman in the distance: theres an elevator bomb on the
other side of town. The terrorists are demanding 7 million dollars to disarm
Clark: you two go ahead, I’ll get there as soon as I can.
Jimmy: where is he going! He’s going to miss all the action!
Lois: don’t worry. He’ll get there.
Clark runs across the roof of the daily planet building,
rips open his shirt, and reveals the superman Logo.
The End.

I hope all of you have enjoyed this project as much as I have! I know I had a blast and I am thankful for all the support that I received from all of you. I do update this blog regularly with inspirational articles, geek culture, and comics (coming soon). feel fee to explore the site and if you like what you see, you can follow me on Twitter @SupermanLegion or like the newly created Facebook Page here to receive regular updates on what is being accomplished here. Again, thanks for the support and remember to always look up in the sky.
Tag sept. 9th, 2016: check out some of my more recent articles, including an analysis of the Justice League Trailer and my article for Moviepilot about Man of Steel 2
Tag sept. 9th, 2016: check out some of my more recent articles, including an analysis of the Justice League Trailer and my article for Moviepilot about Man of Steel 2
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