Now. Some of these may just be me reading WAY to much into
every scene but this is as good a place as any to get them all out of my
system. I will put the time marker to what I am talking about in the episode. If
you have not seen it, thankfully you can access the episode here:
Spoilers for the episode will abound.
0:00: the monologue at the beginning is MUCH
longer. I hope that’s not going to be the case the whole time. It’s probably
just there to try and clean up any loose ends from moving studios. Something we
are going to see a lot of in this episode.
1:18: for those who forgot, Kara’s mom is played
by Laura Bananti who played Supergirl in the ‘80s
2:00: already John is taking a much more active
role in saving lives and overall hero stuff. Seems like we are going to see a
lot more martian this season.
![]() |
the show left a spot open for Supergirl to get a love interest. I'm looking at you Mon-El |
2:34: MON-EL!!!
2:50: nice cover up as far as moving Studios
goes. We can’t transfer all the sets so we have this much cheaper yet more
Superheroy (that’s a word now) atmosphere.
3:30: Alex Danvers demonstrates how we can’t learn
anything about Mon-El because needles keep breaking against his skin. In Action
Comics no.1 this is how we are introduced to Superman’s invulnerability. Also this
is a fairly popular trope in Super-Family franchises.
4:15: The Venture is the name of the spaceplane
thing in this show. Experimental spaceplanes are not anything new to Superman
stuff. The Constitution was a spaceplane that Superman saved in the first issue
of “The Man Of Steel” from 1985.
4:53: The re-introduction of Cat Grant into the
new season is a callback to her first introduction. Complete with Kara’s over
eagerness to be right at Cats side right at the beginning. Kara still has a bit
of work to do.
6:58: When Cat Called “Miss Teschmacher” I
almost fell on the ground and started twitching. Miss Teschmacher, of course,
is Lex Luthors somewhat love interest from Superman: The Movie and has appeared
in a very limited number of mediums, one of which was Superman Family
7:57: The scene where Supergirl changes her
clothes superfast in preparation for her date with Jimmy seems like a callback
to the episode of The Flash where Barry did the same thing.
8:28: Pizza is my favorite meal too.
9:30: insert happy noise
9:48: please Clark. This whole scene is a bit of
a throwback.

12:38: this scene makes me think of “New
Frontier” when Superman shows up and immediately everyone stops fighting. The guy
just commands attention wherever he is. more points for the DCTV universe!
13:17: I think Winn demonstrates my reaction to
this episode pretty well. Just imagine how it would be like to watch this
episode with winn and you know a bit about what my poor sister had to deal
14:24: so this is what I was hoping Superman
would be doing in the first season. I like seeing Superman step into this
teacher role with Kara. I hope that this is a thing that happens every time he
comes into the show.
14:54: for all of those haters out there who
didn’t think the casting was well done due to age, here is your explaination. More
points to DCTV for not leaving loose ends like that.

17:30: Cat Grant, for as far as I can tell, has
always had a thing for Clark. The most notable example is in Lois and Clark: The
New Adventures of Superman. That’s a continuity win!
19:30: the only problem I could see if they
tried doing a Superman series is that this series is already taking all of
Superman’s villains. They’d have to go WAY deep into the mythos to get enough
villains for another TV show.
20:30: so it is a bit unfair to judge Lana
Luthor based on her last name, but if the Legion of Superheroes is to be
trusted, and they are canon, then we know that the luthors are pretty much
corrupt all the way through time. I don’t trust lana Luthor. I don’t know if I
should though. We’ll see
21:02: if you’re trying to make a name for
yourself outside of the Luthor family, shouldn’t you try naming your company
something else? Also, what was Lex Luthor doing in his career anyway? If he was
a business man we can assume that the Chris Reeve series isn’t in the same
canon, but it’s close, but what? I don’t know. Incidently, if Warner Bros. wants
a superman series they can totally contact me at any time and I would SO be
ready to write up a tv show for them based in this canon. Or any canon. Selfish
plug, but, ya know.
22:00: Clark and lois are together! Yay!
22:32: super telepathy was a thing back in the
gold/ silver age. This power allowed Superman to create a type of perception
filter around him so that no one would recognize him. thankfully this is a
power that is not likely to come back, however the gene is still there and
Superboy had that part of his DNA enlarged so that his main power is telepathy.
Cool stuff, right?
24:25: so I can get why Superman Doesn’t care so
much for the DEO to have Kryptonite. They did use it on Supergirl. A lot. All the
time. And they only used it once against an evil Kryptonian. I would be very
dis-trusting of the DEO myself.
25:00: for those of you who are savvy to that
kind of thing, this is another reference to Superman: The Movie. Remember to
always travel safe.
25:40: aaaaaaaaaah! Bullet bouncing! They did
everything I said they should do for Superman with this episode.
26:47: for those of you who are savvy to that
kind of thing. the wink that Clark keeps doing is a nod to classic Superman
composure, particularly the ‘50s series with George reeves.
26:51: do you really think your chances of being
shot are less in Gotham? Stay clear of theaters.
27:35: when picking up Italian means that you
actually go to Italy and get food from there.
28:36. Cats office looks different. She has a
lot more drinks in it.
31:30: except, you do use it like that. that’s how
you recruited Kara in the first place…
32:55: it’s been said that Jimmy is to become
the superhero known as “The Guardian”. He is certainly earning the title here.
33:29: Cisco? Is that you?
35:42: I still don’t trust her. I really still
37:08: this is the other point of concern.
Supergirl needs to be different than Superman and having Kara become a reporter
doesn’t feel like the right direction for the show. At this point we are
invested in Supergirl not because she is Superman’s cousin but because she is
her own person. Lets try to keep her that way.

40:15: so there is a car robbery and the DEO
sends both Superman and Supergirl to take care of it. Can you imagine what that
car thief is thinking when they both show up?
41:51: Cadmus is full of nasty people. One of
those nasty people is Metallo.
Overall this was an amazing episode. The characters were
oozing with charisma, everyone got a healthy amount of screen time and Superman
didn’t over power Supergirl in the show nor did Superman look bad in it. Everything
I could have wanted from a cross over with these two characters happened. Not
to mention all of the great supporting characters and subplots that are weaving
their way in. I’m excited to see where the rest of the show goes.
What did you think of the episode? Are there any easter eggs
that you think I missed? Let me know in the comments below and remember to
share this article with a friend who likes Superman. Don’t send it to me
though. I already know what’s involved with the article. Thank you and have a
good day.
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